Small-town sibling trio Girl Named Tom seeks to create harmony in a world divided. With their distinctive harmonies and heartfelt performances, Bekah, Joshua and Caleb Liechty won the hearts of America while becoming the only group to ever win NBC’s “The Voice.” In addition to their chart-topping covers (“River,” “The Chain,” & “Dust in the Wind” among others), GNT writes original music that will almost certainly project them to becoming the best-known harmony trio of their generation.
With their debut EP, “Another World,” Girl Named Tom sweeps the listener into reflective space, exploring fond memories, global issues, and intimate conversations. Audiences have been “…blown away by the musicality and harmonies, creativity, honesty, beauty. This sibling trio is stardust.” Crazy World exhibits “crystal clear lead vocals, driving (and unique) percussion, and after 3 minutes build up an amazing section of their 3 voices intermeshing together.”
Based in the Midwest, Girl Named Tom performed all over the country during the band’s first year before the pandemic struck. Now, after winning The Voice, they cannot wait to hit the road and visit new fans!
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Contact Info
(314) 423-8500
17105 North Outer 40 Road
Chesterfield, MO 63005
Copyright ©2024 The Factory STL, LLC. All rights reserved.
Please be aware that The Factory is an almost totally cashless facility. Tickets can be purchased at our box office with all major credit cards and with Apple Pay. Concession at our bars can be purchased with all major credit cards and with Apple Pay. Band merchandise sales will accept all major credit cards and cash.